Tag: digital

Every business has an ebook inside of them …

mcrae communications consultancy, ebooks, digital, create an ebook for business

They say everyone has a story or a book inside of them. It follows then, that every business has an ebook inside of them – so why aren’t more businesses creating them? Growth in ebook sales may have plateaued recently but if your business is still not producing ebooks as part of your marcomms/content marketing …

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Are Style Guides old hat in a digital world?

style guide old hat

In one of my previous posts I talked about the importance of Style Guides when preparing print documents but is a Style Guide still useful when it comes to the online world and digital communications? The short answer is Yes – of course! However, for those that need more explanation, a typical style sheet is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=1831