The fundamentals of a winning website strategy

web strategyWe now live and do business in a digital age. Quite simply, if you do not have a website – you do not exist.


A whole world will be unaware of your existence – both online and offline.

  • You will not have the same opportunities to ‘speak’ to your audience
  • You will not have the same opportunities to ‘hear’ from your audience
  • You will not have the same opportunities to educate your audience.
  • You will lose your global business reach
  • You will lose out on the opportunity to build your identity
  • You will lose out on valuable lead generation

Your website is KEY to the external communications strategy of the company in terms of branding, raising awareness, ‘selling’ and research/thought leadership!


Putting your website to work

What role does your website plays in your business? Are you hoping to make a few sales, provide information, or just look pretty?

I cannot stress how important it is to understand the reason why you have a website.

Identify your goals and objectives. This will at least give you some parameters to measure your online success.


What frame of mind are your visitors in?

Where are your visitors on the ‘buyer’s journey’? What frame of mind are they in when they land on your company website? Are you communicating directly with your visitors? What can you give them? Are you addressing their needs and wants? Does the copy on your website demonstrate that you understand the challenges your visitors are facing?

As you can imagine, it’s worth a huge amount of money to big corporations to know how people behave on the internet. They want to know what people like, what they dislike, what they do and what they don’t do. These corporations have spent millions of dollars researching this. Most of this information is in the public domain and you and I can access it – so make use of this information.


The new Marketing mix

Marketing has always been about the strength of your business, how well you know the market and how good you are at marketing. The internet has changed business and brought new elements to the mix.

Marketing on the internet is about:


  • becoming an authority
  • building a community and a network
  • selling with respect – (not ‘pushing’ online because your prospective customers will just move somewhere else

Does your website take all or any of this into account?


If you would like to discuss your company’s website strategy, or you are thinking about developing content for your existing website, please feel free to email your queries to

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