
You don’t have to be as mad as a hatter to work in branding these days – but the ability to juggle different hats helps

Last week I introduced the topic of branding. It’s one of my passions, both from a creative perspective and on a strategic level. Interestingly, the whole concept of branding changes with every company I work with because it means very different things to different organisations. Just to recap on what I said last week, branding …

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The Three Sixty Brand Experience

Be honest, how many of you think branding is all about a company’s logo, tagline, or perhaps their typography and colour palette? I’m not here to shame you if that’s your perception. As I’ve established over the last couple of weeks, branding is continuously evolving, so it’s little wonder that many of us and our companies are …

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The fundamentals of a winning website strategy

web strategy

We now live and do business in a digital age. Quite simply, if you do not have a website – you do not exist.   A whole world will be unaware of your existence – both online and offline. You will not have the same opportunities to ‘speak’ to your audience You will not have …

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If Orange is the New Black, then Pink is the New Corporate

I’ve long been fascinated by perception. By that I mean the assumptions we make based on appearance. My first-hand experience of this relates to hair colour. I am one of those women who will routinely change their hair colour. There are a number of reasons why I love to do this, which I’ll save for …

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Branding: Where has it been and where is it heading?

Over the next few weeks I am going to be writing a lot about branding in my blog posts. It’s one of my passions and an area where I believe everyone in the organisation can ‘do their bit’ and add real value. First of all, just for fun, let’s talk about the humble origins of …

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