Over the years I have developed concepts and content for countless brochures, pamphlets, flyers and fact sheets. Until fairly recently, brochures were always a core requirement in the communications strategy, whether it was an internal audience, or as part of a global product launch.
There are many consideration when putting any brochure together. Who is the brochure for? What does it seek to achieve? Is it educational and informative or is to sell a product or solution?
I always develop the hierarchy of messaging before I write anything. Think of it this way, if your reader only remembered one point when they had finished reading the brochure, what would you want it to be? It’s also important to know how the brochure fits in with the overall communications plan and list of deliverables. Is it a standalone piece? What is its expected shelf life?
Nowadays another consideration is the format the brochure be distributed. Will it be print or online or as a call to action in an email campaign?
These are just a few of the points you should be considering when putting together your brochureware. Here are a few examples of brochures, pamphlets and fact sheets I have created over the years. Again you will see, these are quiet diverse in terms of style, tone and content.
Internal Communications
Corporate Communications ; Graduate Programs
In all the examples below, I interviewed graduates in the workplace to find out what it was that had attracted them to their respective organisations. By actually talking to and understanding the needs of your target audience, listening to what makes them tick, you can develop a highly targeted communication piece that “speaks” directly to them. This will be much more effective than guesswork, or allowing your own creative agenda to take over.
Consumer Communications