
Ten tips for running a successful webinar

successful webinar

One of the most useful tools in sales is the humble webinar. I have lost count how many times sales teams got excited about running one, and then looked around the room looking for someone who (a) knows how to run one and (b) someone who can do it asap (i.e. yesterday would be really great, …

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The fundamentals of a winning website strategy

web strategy

We now live and do business in a digital age. Quite simply, if you do not have a website – you do not exist.   A whole world will be unaware of your existence – both online and offline. You will not have the same opportunities to ‘speak’ to your audience You will not have …

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Every business has an ebook inside of them …

mcrae communications consultancy, ebooks, digital, create an ebook for business

They say everyone has a story or a book inside of them. It follows then, that every business has an ebook inside of them – so why aren’t more businesses creating them? Growth in ebook sales may have plateaued recently but if your business is still not producing ebooks as part of your marcomms/content marketing …

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The benefits of hiring a copywriter for small business: Can you afford not to hire one?

If you’re a small business owner feeling stressed and stretched, juggling your time and energies just to keep up with day-to-day priorities, you may not have considered the benefits of hiring a copywriter. Perhaps, if you have fleetingly thought about hiring one, you’ve rejected the idea believing they are a luxury your business just can’t …

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