Once you have worked in a publishing house, and you’ve been responsible for producing a national or international publication, your skills can be transferred pretty much anywhere in the delivery of communications, whether in corporate or private enterprise. For example, what communications project doesn’t have a requirement for project management to meet deadlines, an innate …
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Help! How do I Market my Book?
So your book is finally being published and you’re beside yourself with excitement. You’ve done it! You’ve achieved that lifelong dream! But guess what? That’s not the end of the hard work. Well – not unless you have secured a major publishing deal with one of the BIG FOUR. Now you actually have to promote …
Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=2977
Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=2630
ebooks: Could it be time to add another string to your bow?
With one week to spare before the end of January, I am delighted to say I’ve been able to tick one item off, my substantial ‘To Do’ list for 2017. I’m feeling pretty pleased about this particular ‘tick’ because rewind 6 months and I wouldn’t have had the vaguest clue about how to attempt such …
Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=3432