
ebooks: Could it be time to add another string to your bow?

ebook, mcrae communications consultancy, evie mcrae,

With one week to spare before the end of January, I am delighted to say I’ve been able to tick one item off, my substantial ‘To Do’ list for 2017. I’m feeling pretty pleased about this particular ‘tick’ because rewind 6 months and I wouldn’t have had the vaguest clue about how to attempt such …

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Every business has an ebook inside of them …

mcrae communications consultancy, ebooks, digital, create an ebook for business

They say everyone has a story or a book inside of them. It follows then, that every business has an ebook inside of them – so why aren’t more businesses creating them? Growth in ebook sales may have plateaued recently but if your business is still not producing ebooks as part of your marcomms/content marketing …

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The benefits of hiring a copywriter for small business: Can you afford not to hire one?

If you’re a small business owner feeling stressed and stretched, juggling your time and energies just to keep up with day-to-day priorities, you may not have considered the benefits of hiring a copywriter. Perhaps, if you have fleetingly thought about hiring one, you’ve rejected the idea believing they are a luxury your business just can’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=5222

I love writing tender proposals … said no-one ever

Well, except those with masochistic tendencies perhaps. However, creating a proposal needn’t result in ulcers, lost hair and bitten nails. If you have a system or process in place before you get the ball rolling you will save you and those around you a lot of angst – not to mention putting you and your …

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