Tag: communication strategy

Does Pinterest interest your business?

Pinterest, Writer's Blog

A few years ago I remember being asked to do some research into the pros and cons of using Facebook within our organisation and write a report based on my findings. My marcomms team desperately wanted me to find in favour of Facebook, keen to bring our communications into the 21st Century. At the time …

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Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=2039

Do you have DMs with your customers?

Targeted DM

If you are nervously wondering whether you and I need to have a ‘deep and meaningful’ conversation, don’t worry. I am referring to another type of DM – the kind that allows you to talk directly to your customers – Direct Marketing (DM). The subject of DM seems to polarise opinion. There are those who …

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Permanent link to this article: https://eviemcrae.com/?p=1447