
You don’t have to be as mad as a hatter to work in branding these days – but the ability to juggle different hats helps

Last week I introduced the topic of branding. It’s one of my passions, both from a creative perspective and on a strategic level. Interestingly, the whole concept of branding changes with every company I work with because it means very different things to different organisations. Just to recap on what I said last week, branding …

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Bringing Editorial into the Marketing Environment

Once you have worked in a publishing house, and you’ve been responsible for producing a national or international publication, your skills can be transferred pretty much anywhere in the delivery of communications, whether in corporate or private enterprise. For example, what communications project doesn’t have a requirement for project management to meet deadlines, an innate …

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The Three Sixty Brand Experience

Be honest, how many of you think branding is all about a company’s logo, tagline, or perhaps their typography and colour palette? I’m not here to shame you if that’s your perception. As I’ve established over the last couple of weeks, branding is continuously evolving, so it’s little wonder that many of us and our companies are …

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Every business has an ebook inside of them …

mcrae communications consultancy, ebooks, digital, create an ebook for business

They say everyone has a story or a book inside of them. It follows then, that every business has an ebook inside of them – so why aren’t more businesses creating them? Growth in ebook sales may have plateaued recently but if your business is still not producing ebooks as part of your marcomms/content marketing …

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Case studies – how do you use yours?

Well, I thought I’d give you a break from Branding this week to take a look at a topic that can be somewhat fraught in the Marcomms office. The Case Study! Case studies, or success stories if you prefer, are among the most effective tools available in the Marcomms armoury, yet they are yet most …

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Branding: Where has it been and where is it heading?

Over the next few weeks I am going to be writing a lot about branding in my blog posts. It’s one of my passions and an area where I believe everyone in the organisation can ‘do their bit’ and add real value. First of all, just for fun, let’s talk about the humble origins of …

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